сабота, 5 април 2008 г.

Еве изјава на еден грк

Nick the Greek wrote:
R.O.M. should unite with HELLAS.
To prevent outsiders meddling and promoting their
agenda in the balkans.
We should unite with them.This will solve the name
dispute.They can then call themselves macedonians.

I agree with you that we should unite, and I have a proposal for what flag we should choose. In fact look at the picture. Me, as real Greek agree that we are not similar with makedons I mean argeads, they only concored us and ruled with us. Acctually we are a mix from people from Anatol, Egypt and Ethiopia. Let's be real we always had forign rulers throughout hysitory. They were from english, german or turkish origin. My final proposal is to become one with r.o.m. and than we can say we have something in common with the strong and blond Alexandar Macedonian

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1 коментар:

Sin рече...

Море Благој! :)